The Ruff Life

Professional Dog Training

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dogs and Heat Stroke

What you can do to help-
•Never ever leave your dog (or cat) in a car on a warm or hot day. Even with the windows open, the inside of a car can become like an oven

•Make sure youe pet has access to plently of cool fresh drinking water

•Go for walks early in the mornings or late evenings when it is cooler. If you do take them out during the heat of the day then don't over do it- keep them on a lead.

•Keep them calm when it's hot- over exercise on a hot day will lead to heat stroke.

•Conservatories act like the inside of a car- not a good place to leave your pet on a hot day.

•A cool shower from a hose pipe would be appreciated.

•Give them ice cubes or ice chips to chew and lick

Signs of Heat Stroke-

•Panting excessively
•Anxious behaviour
•Very red gums, turning blue in extreme cases
•Very rapid heart rate
•In severe cases- collapse, convulsions, shock and death

What to do if your pet becomes too hot-
•Seek medical advice from your vet straight away- this can be a fatal condition.
•Cool the animal by immersing in a bath of tepid water or hosing with a hose pipe
•Use a fan on the dog to increase the air flow
•If conscious then give them ice cubes to chew and lick
•Allow them to drink as much water as they want- in small quantities at a time
•Cover with towels soaked in ice cold water
•Keep them out of the sun in a cool place
•Get them to your vet for a check up as soon as possible